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  Kolseth [dot] net : the old homeplace Journal: My Musings

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Richard Sverre Kolseth


My father left this life early on a Saturday morning for his new home in Heaven. I want to thank everyone for their support and prayers for Joan and the family.

Born Sverre Richard Kolseth, October 9, 1929, Richard went to be with the Lord on Saturday morning, April 25, 2015.

A memorial celebration was held Thursday, April 30, at 4pm for local family and friends at Beaver Creek Christian Church in West Jefferson, NC.

A graveside service will be held at Memory Gardens in Albany, NY, May 30 at noon for family and friends.

The address is 983 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Albany, NY 12205; a google maps link is below.

In leu of flowers, gifts may be sent to Thru the Bible Radio Network, PO Box 7100, Pasadena CA 91109. Website: ttb.org

Memory Gardens Location
Posted Feb 21, 13 by Ric Kolseth Under Life Permalink 1434726905