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  Kolseth [dot] net : the old homeplace Journal: My Musings


The Universe : Define the Universe; give examples.

The Brazen Serpent
A Communion Meditation: Number 20, 21, John 3

Nicodemus was puzzled by something Jesus said to him. There are many things in the Bible that puzzle me; I’m in good company. Things that I just don’t understand because I don’t have the background in the ancient cultures or language, passages that seem too convoluted and things that just don’t seem to fit. This seems to be a deal breaker for some people as far as faith goes, but I’m comfortable with ambiguity.

For example, the story in Numbers 20 and 21 about the Brass Serpent taking [more...]

Posted Mar 13, 16 by Ric Kolseth Under The Universe Permalink 1457847596